Sebastiaan Kuijt

Jane® has shown me what my talents are and how I can use them in my work as a CDD Analyst at Rabobank. I also had some important questions for which I was looking for an answer through Jane®:

  • does my current position suit me?
  • what talents do I have and how can I use these in my work?
  • which direction should I choose to develop myself as a professional?

Jane® has answered these questions! In other words it is a confirmation for me that I am in the right place at the moment and has given me a manual for the future.Finally, discovering the blind spot is the most important. My personality trait or unconscious actions prevent me from making optimum use of my talents. By being aware of the blind spot and not ignoring it, the world is open to me. Where I work in 10 years is unknown, but I know with the help of Jane where I should start now.

Marten Schippers

Why am I glad I did Jane? Jane expresses what you cannot grasp in yourself.

Jane® helped me to work more from my own talent instead of desired behavior. Insight into my blind spot and the talents that “help” to kick me in are also very valuable.

Ja graag,
Hi, er is een bericht voor je...
In Maart & April 2020 starten we met de nieuwe Jane® Talenten Methodiek Certificering Basistraining! Voor meer informatie, kijk bij "Professionals".