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Jane® Talent Methodology

mapping NATURal TALENTs

The Jane® methodology identifies the natural talents with the help of a proven psychological assessment (IQ test & questionnaire) and validation interview

Our natural talents form the lens through which we look at our environment

They lay the foundation for our motivation, skills and competences

Talents explain the “why” of who we are, what we are capable of and what we desire and want

These insights helps us to become visible and reach our potential in terms of our unique value and abilities

“Why is it important to provide insight into our unique value and potential?

for others

for ourselves

Our productportfolio is continuously growing and developing and available in English and Dutch at this moment. Click below and look into several of our Talent Reports

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Hi, er is een bericht voor je...
In Maart & April 2020 starten we met de nieuwe Jane® Talenten Methodiek Certificering Basistraining! Voor meer informatie, kijk bij "Professionals".